The Benefits Intelligence platform of the future

Businesses want better control over employee health outcomes. Juniper transforms how companies analyze benefits usage, claims, and employee engagement. We use advanced language models, health data from devices, and various plan information to offer the most integrated and advanced platform on the market.

Designed for modern humans

We help people make better and affordable health choices. Juniper offers clear prices in real-time, leading them to less expensive care without losing quality. By connecting with smart devices, we keep users informed and healthier, helping to avoid costly claims. Many people don’t know what their insurance covers, where to get care, or how much it will cost. This often results in overspending, especially for ongoing conditions and surgeries. While there are many tools for finding a doctor for the first appointment, support usually declines after that. Juniper supports you from diagnosis to recovery.

For Brokers & Businesses

With data insights and AI, brokers can give customized advice on how to use benefits and manage costs. This improves client relationships and makes brokers key partners in lowering healthcare expenses and boosting employee satisfaction. Plus, we don’t charge per employee per month; our savings-based pricing means if you don’t save money by year-end, the system is free!

Clear insights and a complete overview of how benefits are used, trends, and employee health data. Find benefits that aren't being used much and see possible high-cost claims early with our carrier links. By improving benefit usage and avoiding premium increases, Juniper saves money and boosts the well-being of your workforce.

Channeling the spirit of Prometheus, who gave fire to humanity, Juniper is empowering the insurance and healthcare sectors with cutting-edge AI. Our goal? To illuminate and simplify the complex beast that is the American healthcare system, putting control back into the hands of those who need it most.